
Activities Information
8 Ball: Mon. 8:45 am, Fri. 8:45 am 9 Ball: Wed. 8:45 am
35 CARD GAME: Mon. 12:30 – 3:00 pm, PH II Bridge Room
AEROBIC EXERCISES: 8:00 – 9:00 am M, W & F, PH I Main Hall
BINGO: Wed. 6:30 pm, PH I Main Hall, doors close at 6:15 pm.
BLOOD PRESSURE: 10 – 11 am 2nd & 4th Mon., PH II
BOCCE: PH II, join the fun every day at 9:00 am.
BOWLING (Men & Ladies): Thurs. at Treasure Lanes, 11:45 am.
BRIDGE: PH II Bridge Room Mixed Bridge: M, T, W & F at 12:15pm
BRIDGE(Duplicate) : Thurs. 6:15 pm
CARDS: PH II Activity Room: All kinds of card games enjoyed Mon. & Fri. 1:00 – 3:00 pm and Tuesday 12:30 – 3:00 pm.
CERAMICS: Fri. in Ceramics building PH II, 12 – 4 pm, must have your own supplies. No charge for firing. Come and share ideas for gifts and decorations.
COMPUTER CLUB: Winter 2nd & 4th Tues., PH I Main Hall at 6:30 pm, different skills & problems discussed, there are classes available several times during the week, in PH II Activity Room.
CRIBBAGE: Thurs. in Activity Room from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.
DARTS: Thurs. at 6:30 pm, PH II Activity Room.
EUCHRE: Sun. 6:30 pm, PH II Bridge Room. Must know how to play, lessons not given.
FRIEND’S LUNCH GROUP: Men & women meet for lunch on 2nd Fri. of each month, year-round. Different restaurant each month. Sign-up sheet in PH I Lobby, for each luncheon.
GOLF – MEN’S: Monday’s at 9:30 am, alternating between The Hills of Rotonda and The Palms of Rotonda. Golfers should check with the Chairpersons ahead of time to ensure there is room, players capped at 28 people.
GOLF – WOMEN’S: Tues. 7:30 am at Duffy’s Golf Course in Englewood. Lunch follows. League at 24 players & subs. 1st Mon. of the month Golf Breakfast at Olde World Restaurant at 8:30 am, newcomers welcome.
HAND & FOOT CARDS: Mon. & Fri. at 6:30 pm, PH II Bridge Room & Library, beginners welcome but must observe & learn rules for first few sessions before playing.
HOOKS & NEEDLES: Meets Thurs. 1:00 – 4:00 pm in PH II Library. This club is open to all crafters doing all different kinds of crafts. Bring what you are working on & enjoy meeting others. Lots of help available for your projects.
HORSESHOES: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9:00 am at PH II Horseshoe pits.
JUST US GIRLS: Meets 4th Thurs. of each month in PH I Main Hall. Fun activities for women including trips, theater performances, and informational programs.
KAYAKING: Wed. gather at PH II, 9:00 am, trips are arranged by club members.
LIBRARY: Books, magazines, games & puzzles are available. Donations of used books (in good condition) accepted. Help in keeping this organized is always needed.
LINE DANCING: PH I Main Hall, Tuesday 1 – 4:30 pm
MAH JONGG: Thurs. 1:00 – 3:00 pm in PH II Bridge Room, beginners welcome.
MEN’S CLUB: Open to all men in the park. Meet 2nd Thurs. of each month in PH I Main Hall at 10:00 am. The club sponsors picnics and yard sales to finance some of the needs of the park.
PAINTING: Please check with chairperson listed since this group meets when there are enough interested in oil or watercolor painting.
PENNIES FROM HEAVEN: Every Sat. from 6:30 – 10:00 pm.
PICKLEBALL: Tues., Thurs. & Sat. at 9:00 am at PH II Pickleball court.
PINOCHLE: Meets Friday at 6:30 pm at PH I Main Hall. Beginners need to know basic rules of play to enjoy.
-Swimmercise: Meets during season in PH I Pool, Tues. & Thurs. from 10:00 – 11:00 am.
-Summer Pool Exercise: For mobility & flexibility, ideal for those with artificial joints. Meets May – Oct, Mon., Wed. & Fri. in PH II Pool from 9:00 – 10:00 am, weather permitting, 70 degree minimum.
-Arthritis Pool Exercise: Wed. & Fri. 3:00 – 3:45 pm in PH II Pool
-Pool Walking: PH II, 8:00 – 9:00 am Mon. – Fri.
SHUFFLEBOARD: Meets 9:30 am Mon., Wed. & Fri. at PH I court by the pool. Opponents selected daily for 3 games.
TABLE TENNIS: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 3:00 – 4:30 pm
TENNIS: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 – 10:00 am on the courts in PH II. Bring your own racquet, balls are supplied. All levels welcome. Lesson for beginners.
WOOD CARVING: Every Fri. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Jan – March
ZOOMBA: Low impact exercise in the Main Hall every Wed. & Fri. 10:00 – 11:00 am, Dec. – Apr.